Survivor Mode is the "endurance test" all players should experience in the online card game, Urban Rivals. Only the players with equal amounts of strategic knowledge and deck building talent can last in this game mode.
There are two types of decks a player can use in Survivor Mode, one is the Type 2 deck (anything goes) and the other one is the ELO deck (a more restricted form of deck). If you're new to the game, you have better chances at winning in ELO Survivor compared to Type 2 Survivor because the former relies more on strategy while the the latter gives unfair advantage to older players who have a more extensive card collection.
In building your 8-card deck, you must have at least 2 utility cards, 4 cards which can form 2-hit killer combos, and 2 other cards which can deal alternative damage (like cards with poison or life-stealing abilities). A good deck must contain two clans, unless you have all the best cards of a single clan. The likes of Rescue, La Junta, Fang Pi Clang, GHEIST, and Jungo have proven time and again that they can work in a mono-clan deck. Clans with attack-reducing or power-manipulating bonuses tend to work well together. Lastly, the unique bonuses of the Skeelz, Pussycats, and Freaks, make them a good supporting half-deck to powerhouse clans like Uppers and Montana.
When playing Survivor, you must always take note of your current life points and pillz allocation. As you win battles consecutively, your life will begin to increase while your pill count will decrease. This decrease in pill count will give you far less freedom to make your moves, thus, you must literally survive the upcoming rounds through sheer strategy alone.
Now, if you stock up on cards with pill-manipulating abilities (like most cards from the Piranas clan) you might edge out your opponents in the early rounds. The most lethal poison card available in the game, Sylth of the Jungo clan, can also give you control on the first round. Provided your abilities go through, it will cause total mayhem if your opponents aren't careful. It is therefore safe to assume that when you reach the higher levels of Survivor Mode, you must use every technique in the book.
If you head on over to the Urban Rivals message board, most Survivor veterans will tell you that a good bluff can save your life in this mode. Bluffing may be risky but there's a bigger chance they won't be able to see through your bluff especially when they think you have less pillz to spare. Throwing out highly useful cards in the early rounds to scare off your opponents may either make them use their own strong cards or throw away their useless cards. Whatever the case may be, it will all come down on how you utilize each card in your draw.
Original Article by: Julius Albert Custodio.
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